AD ID: 124724
Central Warehouse and Offices for Sale Petone Wellington
Area (m2):
Offices - Highly Specialised Central Warehouse and Offices
Why buy this Central Warehouse and Offices
Central Warehouse and Offices for Sale Petone Wellington 67 Fitzherbert Street
Six car parks at the front. High roller door.Over-officed - demolish some if not required. Good staff amenities incl. a shower and two kitchenettes.
Lots of intranet and power points - server room. Three phase power.
Two ceiling heaters. Water point and extraction.
Very high stud. Storage areas.
For more information or to arrange an inspection contact Alastair Gustafson on 027 223 6013 or email
A member of the specialist Warehousing team.
For more info Contact:
Alastair Gustafson
(027) 223 6013 or (04) 210 0361
AGRE Commercial
Licensed REAA 2008
Agent Ref: AG20983
Licensed REAA 2008
Agent Ref: AG20983

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