AD ID: 119362
Offices for Lease Hutt Central Wellington
Secure Facility - Ex-Call Centre
Why lease this Offices
Offices for Lease Hutt Central Wellington 28 Downer Street
First floor of largely open plan offices - own amenities and very good natural light.Three small office-cum-meeting rooms.
Ground floor of warehouse coming in from a secure yard.
Ample security points.
Two lots of staff amenities.
Three phase power - data racks - two kitchenettes - offices - high stud warehouse with very good natural light.
Upwards of 10 onsite vehicle parks.
A place like this doesn't come along very day.
Call for an appointment to view.
For more information or to arrange an inspection contact Alastair Gustafson on 027 223 6013 or email
A member of the specialist Hutt Valley team.
For more info Contact:
Alastair Gustafson
(027) 223 6013 or (04) 210 0361
AGRE Commercial
Licensed REAA 2008
Agent Ref: AG20912
Licensed REAA 2008
Agent Ref: AG20912

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